
Count the grains
of sand,

in the foam,
as rippling
waves groan.

A wake, in throes.

Rage! The undertow

and roar, pulling
us forward, on
through the foam.

Coarse grains,
reminders to stay,
dry land, home,
coral claws clashing,



The wake remembers
this passage awakened,

just as we have gone.

© CG Tenpenny, 2021.

Does this post look like a block of text in the reader?

Seems to be fixed now.

10 thoughts on “Suspending

      1. I’ve been having all kinds of problems like that with WordPress. Makes me crazy. Try editing it on your phone. Also, it might look fine in the Reader on a computer. I can check if you want.

      2. I went to my actual webpage and refreshed it. Maybe that’s connected somehow? It also wasn’t showing the question.

  1. Oh now this is quite lovely. As a lover of the ocean waves, I could see and smell and hear it… slow motion, and real. Very excellent.

    (Also, it looks like your normal formatting on the app on my phone…. I absolutely despise this blocks thing… sometimes it looks good, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it lets you edit, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s highly, highly frustrating.)

    1. I hoped you would enjoy this one. Glad it’s showing up correctly for you. I don’t use the despised blocks, either. Classic editor, toggled to html mode as needed, all the way.

      1. That’s exactly how I do it, except on my purchase page and my published works page, because the blocks actually works well there.

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